LIS-klap-SILO Folding Stairs
The safety folding stairs for your silo loading system.
Folding stairs provide safe access to anything from stationary filling platforms to tankers and silo trucks. The steps always remain horizontal and feature anti-slip mesh treads. The two-sided handrail comes is fitted with a knee rail to ensure the safety of operators.
The stairs can also be used for similar purposes as they qualify as technical working instruments that must satisfy certain safety requirements.
Specially developed for the loading of silo tankers, LIS-klap-SILO safety folding stairs are additionally fitted with side platforms attached to the foremost step and equipped with hand and knee rails to ensure safe access to the dome area.
- the folding stairs can be used immediately after being bolted in place
- recommended by the Steinbruch Trade Association of Karlsruhe
- specially for loading silo tankers